Seville, Spain
"Seville is a pleasant city, famous for oranges and women." - Lord Byron
The capital of the quintessentially-Spanish region of Andalusia, Seville is an enchanting place of flower-filled patios, orange trees, bullfighting, great festivals, a grand Alcazar and huge Gothic cathedral. The site of modern Seville has been inhabited since prehistoric times and was the important city of Hispalis under the Romans. One of the earliest Moorish conquests (in 712 AD), Seville flourished under Islamic rule until the Christian conquest of the city in 1248. Seville's cathedral, begun in 1402, is the largest Gothic building in Europe, and there are many other religious sites to explore here as well.
Seville Cathedral
Built over the square site of a mosque, this is the largest Gothic building in the world. It is an impressive architectural expression of post-Reconquest confidence.
La Giralda
The Giralda is one of three remaining Almohad minarets in the world (the other two are in Morocco). The beautiful structure became the bell tower of Seville Cathedral after the Reconquista.
Basilica de la Macarena
This church on the north side of the city is home to Seville's most revered image, La Macarena. She is the patron saint of matadors and taken out on procession each year.
Santa Paula Convent
The most accessible of Seville's 17 active woman's convents, Santa Paula was built in 1475 in a mixture of Gothic, Mudejar and Renaissance styles.