Shanghai, China

Shanghai is the biggest city in the biggest country in the world. China's capital of commerce, industry, and finance, Shanghai has become one of the world's great modern capitals, showcasing China's commercial momentum at the dawn of the 21st century.
Shanghai has a colonial past more intense than that of any other city in China except Hong Kong, meaning that cathedrals and European-style buildings can be found alongside traditional Chinese temples and architecture. There is even a synagogue in Shanghai, dating from the days of an unparalleled Jewish immigration to China. These are not the typical monuments of China, but they are typical of Shanghai.
Although Shanghai is not famed for its temples, it does have some interesting ones. The most popular Buddhist shrine with visitors is the Jade Buddha Temple; the Longhua Temple is known for its 10th-century pagoda. Shanghai also has active Christian cathedrals, a mosque, and the reopened Ohel Moshe Synagogue, now a Jewish museum and study center.