Map of Spain
This map of Spain locates all the sacred places in Spain on Sacred Destinations so far. The map and markers may take a moment to load. Click on markers for details and links. Use the slider on the left to zoom; drag the map with your mouse to move around; click on markers for labels and links. Be sure to zoom in to your area of interest to see the separate markers more clearly. Hit the "Satellite" button for an aerial view or "Hybrid" for an aerial view with labels. Note: This map is not intended to be exhaustive - it is continually being expanded. For more detail, see our country and city maps.
To navigate: Click and drag the marker to move it around. Click once on the map to send the marker there. Click and drag the map to move the viewing area. Zoom in/out using the slider on the left or the scrollwheel on your mouse. Double-click on the map to move the marker and zoom in at the same time.