
A Pre-Inca site despite its popular name, this trilithic gate perched on the hillside is surrounded by pierced rocks that permit the sun's rays to shine onto the lintel during the solstices.

Originally built in the 16th century, this church is notable for its intricately carved facade, one the finest examples of Baroque-Mestizo architecture in the Americas.

Since 1995, a small statue of Christ has wept bloody tears on Good Friday. A number of investigations have been carried out, and the phenomenon remains unexplained. You can even watch a video of the event.

This sparkling white basilica is home to a miraculous statue of the Virgin Mary made by an Inca craftsman in 1576. The patron saint of Bolivia, the Virgin of Copacabana receives many pilgrims and festivals in her honor.
Fuerte de Samaipata
A unique archaeological site in the mountains of central Bolivia, El Fuerte de Samaipata is a stone hill carved with a wide variety of animal and geometric figures.

Just a few centimeters higher than Christ the Redeemer in Rio, the Cristo de la Concordia in Cochabamba is believed to be the largest statue of Christ in the world.
This ancient city was the capital of a powerful pre-Inca civilization that dominated the Andean region between 500 and 900 AD. Its monumental remains include several temples, a pyramid, symbolic gates, monoliths and carvings.