
Cathedral of the Holy Cross
The Church of the Holy Cross on Akdamar Island is a ruined Armenian cathedral dating from 921 AD. Beautifully situated on Lake Van, the church is famed for its fascinating medieval sculptures.
Temple of Artemis
In ancient times it was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, but today the Temple of Artemis is represented by a single column standing in a swamp.
House of the Virgin
Discovered in a vision by a bedridden German nun in 1812, this stone building is believed by many Catholics and Muslims to be where the Virgin Mary lived her last years. There is also a healing fountain.
Temple of Artemis
Originally built in 334 BC, this was one of the largest Greek temples in the world. In Roman times it was extensively rebuilt and shared with the imperial cult.
Hagia Sophia
This world-famous structure is a Byzantine church built by Justinian. It was later converted to a mosque and is now a museum.
Mevlana Museum (Green Mausoleum)
This museum contains the tomb of the 13th-century Sufi saint Mevlana or Rumi, which is an important place of pilgrimage.
Theater of Ephesus
This magnificent classical theater is considered an important biblical site: the probable place where Paul preached to the pagans in Acts. It is still in use and can seat thousands.
A very important civic building where the sacred fire of Hestia was tended, official visitors were received by civic and religious dignitaries, and where two statues of the Ephesian Artemis were found.