Category: Biblical Sites
Ancient Corinth
Ancient Gadara, Umm Qais
Areopagus (Mars Hill), Athens
Basilica of the Annunciation, Nazareth
Cana, Galilee Region
Capernaum Synagogue
Cave Church of St. Peter, Antioch
Cave of the Apocalypse, Patmos
Chapel of St. Paul (Bab Kisan), Damascus
Chapel of the Ascension, Jerusalem
Church of All Nations, Jerusalem
Church of Dominus Flevit, Jerusalem
Church of St. Anne, Jerusalem
Church of St. Gabriel, Nazareth
Church of the Holy Sepulchre, Jerusalem
Church of the Loaves and Fishes, Tabgha
Church of the Pater Noster, Jerusalem
Church of the Primacy of Peter, Tabgha
Church of the Visitation, Jerusalem
Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem
Elijah's Cave, Haifa
Emmaus Nicopolis, Imwas
Garden Tomb, Jerusalem
Gortyna, Greece
Hammamat Ma'in, Jordan
Hierapolis (Pamukkale), Turkey
Jesus Boat Museum, Tiberias
Laodicea, Turkey
Last Supper Room, Jerusalem
Mary's Well, Nazareth
Mdina Cathedral
Mount Nebo, Jordan
Mount of Beatitudes, Tabgha
Mount Precipice, Lower Galilee
Mount Sinai, Egypt
Mount Tabor, Lower Galilee
Philippi, Greece
Pisidian Antioch, Turkey
Pool of Siloam, Jerusalem
Salamis, Cyprus
Shepherds' Fields, Bethlehem
St. Catherine's Monastery, Sinai Peninsula
St. Paul's Church and Grotto, Rabat
Straight Street, Damascus
Tarsus, Turkey
Temple Mount, Jerusalem
Theater of Ephesus
Thyatira, Turkey
Tomb of Lazarus, Jerusalem
Tombs of the Patriarchs, Hebron
Via Dolorosa, Jerusalem